Affiliate Disclosure is a dedicated platform where we share in-depth reviews and comparison articles of red dot sights. We endeavor to provide valuable, reliable information that helps gun owners to make informed decisions about the best red dot sight for their specific needs. Our primary goal is to be an essential resource for our readers, offering insights and guidance. To support our website and allow us to provide our service free of charge, we use affiliate links in our content.

What are Affiliate Links?

In the realm of online commerce, affiliate links are unique URLs that we use to track the traffic we send from to our affiliate partners’ websites, such as and These links are embedded in our product reviews and comparison articles. If you choose to purchase a product by clicking on one of these links, we may earn a small commission. However, this comes at no additional cost to you. It’s important to note that these affiliate earnings fund our website’s operations and allow us to keep providing our readers with free, quality content.

Affiliate Programs and Their Relevance

Our approach to choosing affiliate programs is grounded in our commitment to our readers. We specifically partner with affiliate programs that offer high-quality products and exemplary customer service. and, our primary partners, were chosen due to their high customer satisfaction ratings, extensive product range, and competitive pricing. These factors align perfectly with our mission of providing the best resources and advice to our readers.

Transparent Earnings Disclaimer

We believe in maintaining complete transparency with our audience. While we do earn a commission from purchases made through our affiliate links, we want to assure you that this does not affect the price you pay for the product. In fact, our commissions are nearly the same regardless of the product selected. This structure allows us to remain impartial and unbiased in our reviews, ensuring our suggestions are based purely on product merit and relevance to our readers.

Commitment to Honest Reviews

We stand by the integrity of our reviews. Every review published on is honest and unbiased, irrespective of whether we stand to gain a commission from it or not. We do not accept sponsorships that may sway our editorial stance. This commitment to authenticity and reliability underscores our dedication to our readers and the trust they place in our content.

Privacy Considerations

We respect and value your privacy. Clicking on our affiliate links may lead you to third-party websites, each with its own privacy policies. We encourage our readers to review these policies before proceeding with a purchase. For more comprehensive information on how we handle data at, please visit our Privacy Policy page.

Invitation to Contact

We appreciate any feedback, questions, or concerns you may have about our affiliate disclosure or any other aspect of our website. We invite you to reach out to us via our Contact Us page. We value open communication with our readers and promise to respond promptly and attentively to your inquiries.

Clear Disclosure Location

In an effort to maintain transparency with our readers, our affiliate disclosure can be found in the footer on every page of our website. This ensures that no matter where you are on, the link to our disclosure is always readily accessible.

Consistent Tone and Language

In all our interactions and content, we aim to maintain a friendly, relatable tone. We believe in breaking down complex topics into simple, comprehensible language that anyone can understand. This approach extends to our affiliate disclosure as well.

Adherence to Program and FTC Requirements

We uphold and abide by the requirements of both the FTC and our affiliate programs. This commitment includes transparently disclosing our use of affiliate links. In doing so, we ensure that we comply with all legal and ethical standards, allowing us to continue providing you with high-quality reviews and recommendations in an honest, transparent manner.